Monday, December 12, 2011

symbols 2

The last time we focus on the rainbow, and this time let's look at the sword, which is in Washington's hand.

It is a little bit different from the usual sword...isn't it? But i am not sure. wikepedia is our friends.;)

"the sword that he holds on his left side is a dress sword and not a battle sword (symbolizing a democratic form of government, rather than a monarchy or military dictatorship)."

It means that he emphasize in democracy more than military. But wait, what is dress sword.

"The small sword or smallsword (also court sword, fr: épée de cour or dress sword) is a light one-handed sword designed for thrusting which evolved out of the longer and heavier rapier of the late Renaissance. "

it seems smaller than the usual sword..whatever.

quotes from wikepedia

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